
Statistics 425 homeless individuals were counted in the 2017 Point-in-Time Count, the lowest total since 2010 (count conducted by the Lowcountry Homeless Coalition on behalf of the entire 7-County CoC) % The number of unsheltered individuals experiencing homelessness...

Homeless To Hope Concert Was A Party With A Purpose

By Barney Blakeney   I got the chance to attend the March 11 inaugural Hope Center Charleston Fund Benefit concert. Didn’t go to church, but went to the concert. And wouldn’t you know it, my preacher saw me there! I got busted, but it was worth it. The concert was off...

Ketner to get inaugural Hope Center Charleston Award

Staff reports  |  Local businesswoman and philanthropist Linda Ketner will be presented with the inaugural Hope Center Charleston Award at March 11 Hope Center Charleston Benefit Concert. Sponsored by the Mayors’ Commission on Homelessness and Affordable Housing, the...